A crisp and sophisticated flower and balloon arrangement, the Spring Showers is designed by our florists to be classically elegant. Featuring roses, carnations and preserved hydrangea, this bouquet of flowers and balloons comes in an exquisite hat box that is just waiting to be personalised with a customisable message on our balloon!
We offer free same day delivery in Singapore for all orders made before 3pm.
What is in the arrangement:
– Roses
– Eustoma
– Carnation
– Preserved Hydragea
– Caspia
– Eucalyptus
– Personalised Text On Balloon with 4 Mini Balloons
– Exquisite Handcrafted Hat Box
*Delivery in Singapore Only
**Flower & Balloon reserves the right to replace any item with another of equivalent value depending on availability. Our florist will ensure substitutions would be done professionally without affecting the overall presentation
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