The Lovely Emerald balloon and hamper bouquet was created to celebrate any occasion in style! Roses, carnations and rice flowers are accented by preserved orange slices and pittosporum leaves are carefully presented in an exquisite hat box by our award-winning florist, whilst our wood mist diffuser in Sleep Ocean provides something extra to help your recipient relax. Add a special note on our customisable balloon for a truly unique gift.
Discover the best flower and balloon hampers in Singapore with us, and enjoy our complimentary balloon hamper delivery.
What is in the arrangement:
– Wood Mist Small Diffuser – Sleep Ocean 60ml
– Roses
– Carnation
– Carnation Spray
– Preserved Orange Slice
– Preserved Rice Flower
– Pittosporum Leaves
*Delivery in Singapore Only
**Flower & Balloon reserves the right to replace any item with another of equivalent value depending on availability. Our florist will ensure substitutions would be done professionally without affecting the overall presentation.
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